system of tridigrams

central page about the magic square

magic cards and images for printing

Page 2.

ancient Chinese Canon of Supreme Mystery
Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing
numerology according to calendar dates
source of modern calendars
pyramid Kukulkan at Chichen Itza
Earth's revolution round the axis
calculations of spatial coordinates


tridigrams and predictive numerology


The second page compares 9 numbers of Pythagorean numerology to graphic system of tridigrams and with the linear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square.
The given information allows to interpret values which numbers and tridigrams have according to characteristics of mythological gods of ancient Greece, which correspond with numbers of Pythagorean numerology.

The system of tridigrams and Pythagorean numerology.
Structural logic of numerological numbers in the magic square.

Numbers in numerology, and in particular in Pythagorean numerology, are organized according to the magic square within of which the sums of numbers on verticals and horizontals are identical that corresponds to magic properties of the square. And also symbols of tridigrams correspond with numbers according to the magic square that is shown on the chart:

magic square and numbers of Pythagorean numerology According to Pythagorean numerology the numbers correspond with images of gods of the Greek mythology:
number 1 - Ares;
number 2 - Artemis and Hecate;
number 3 - Hermes;
number 4 - Hera and Leto;
number 5 - Athena;
number 6 - Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia;
number 7 - Hephaestus and Prometheus;
number 8 - Apollo and Dionysus;
number 9 - Aphrodite.

The top lines (in tridigrams) on the top horizontal and the bottom lines on the left vertical are indivisible; the top lines on the middle horizontal and the bottom lines on the middle vertical are dual; the top lines on the bottom horizontal and the bottom lines on the right horizontal are triple. It forms the linear arrangement of tridigrams in cells of the magic square according to which symbols of tridigrams correspond with numbers of Pythagorean numerology, and also correspond with images of gods, namely lines in tridigrams symbolize characteristic features which mythological gods have:
- whole indivisible lines symbolize public (objective);
- divisible dual lines symbolize neutral;
- double divisible triple lines symbolize individual (subjective).
Also positions of lines in tridigrams matter:
- lines on the top position correspond with public displays of the person;
- lines on the bottom position correspond with individual displays of the person.
Indivisible lines are pertinent on the top position as public displays are confirmed with public full value. Triple lines are pertinent on the bottom position as individual displays are confirmed with individual full value. Double lines are neutral on any positions.
Nine variants of tridigrams symbolize possible ratio of objective, subjective and neutral with public and individual, that forms nine social types which are identical to gods of the Greek mythology and are identical to nine numerological numbers:

- (number 6) - Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia.
The top line pertinent:
possession the public status;
public displays are confirmed with the public status;
social full value.
The bottom line inappropriate:
submission of individuality to public interests;
public denies individual.

- (number 4) - Hera and Leto.
The top line inappropriate:
statement of individual by means of public;
social individualism.
The bottom line pertinent:
individual values are confirmed with individual integrity;
the individual importance.

- (number 5) - Athena.
The top line neutral and also the bottom line neutral:
balance individual and public;
independence individual from public;
independence public from individual.

- (number 1) - Ares.
The top line pertinent:
necessity of a social recognition;
importance of a public opinion.
The bottom line neutral:
absence individual outside of a public environment;
individual has no value without an estimation associates.

- (number 9) - Aphrodite.
The top line inappropriate:
advantage individual above public;
individual superiority above public.
The bottom line neutral:
abstractness from individual displays;
individual independence.

- (number 7) - Hephaestus and Prometheus.
The top line neutral:
independence of the public status;
there is no aspiration to public prestige.
The bottom line inappropriate:
individual is an integral part of public;
individuality is subordinated to public interests.
Prometheus is indifferent to will of gods but he subordinates individuality to interests of people and consequently gives fire to people.

- (number 3) - Hermes.
The top line neutral:
indifference to a public status;
neutrality of a public displays and a public opinion.
The bottom line pertinent:
importance of individual displays;
individual does not depend on public interests.

- (number 8) - Apollo and Dionysus.
The top line pertinent:
presence of the public status;
respect of associates;
social full value is confirmed with a public opinion.
The bottom line pertinent:
importance of individual displays is confirmed with individual full value;
adequate individualism.
Tridigram of numerological number 8 is completely pertinent, that corresponds to mythological image of Apollo who associates with the sun.

- (number 2) - Artemis and Hecate.
The top line inappropriate:
lack of the public status;
necessity of the personal statement for the public environment.
The bottom line inappropriate:
denying of the individual importance;
individual aspirations are caused by influence of associates.
Tridigram of numerological number 2 is absolutely inappropriate, that corresponds to mythological images of Artemis and Hecate who associate with the moon.

The listed psychological statements are only some conclusions which are made according to structural logic of tridigrams and according to categories of individual and public, but lines of tridigrams can be correlated to various categories according to which it is possible to do analytical statements and conclusions. I.e. symbols of tridigrams are universal graphic signs which can be correlated to any psychological or philosophical categories that allows to interpret values of numerological numbers from the different points of view.
Besides the magic square allows to interpret interrelations of numerological numbers according to structural ratio of tridigrams in cells of the magic square, that is shown on charts:

chart of numerological numbers in the magic square The first chart shows ratio of numbers 3, 9, 6 (red cells of the square) in which position there is a mythological fact according to which Hermes(3) and Aphrodite(9) have received birth from Zeus(6) outside of a lawful matrimony with Hera(4) and as a result Hermes and Aphrodite have disloyal mutual relation with Hera, that triple lines symbolize in tridigrams connected with numerological numbers 3, 9, 4.
And also the first chart shows ratio of numbers 1, 7, 4 (green cells of the square) in which position there is a mythological fact according to which Hera(4) has given birth to Ares(1) and Hephaestus(7) without participation of Zeus(6) and as a result Ares and Hephaestus have disloyal mutual relation with Zeus, that indivisible lines symbolize in tridigrams connected with numerological numbers 1, 7, 6.
Namely identical lines in tridigrams symbolize disloyal mutual relation of gods, and different lines symbolize loyal mutual relation. Provided that disloyal mutual relation exist if indivisible or triple lines are on identical positions, and if are on different positions then mutual relation are loyal.
Dual lines in any case symbolize neutral mutual relation of gods.
numbers of numerology in the magic square The second chart shows ratio of odd numbers 1, 7, 9, 3, 5 (green cells of the square) which specify interconnected relations of Ares(1), Hephaestus(7), Aphrodite(9), Hermes(3) with the central goddess of Greek mythology Athena(5), that dual lines symbolize in appropriate tridigrams.
And also the second chart shows ratio of even numbers 6, 4, 2, 8 (red cells of the square) in which position there is a mythological fact according to which Leto(4) and Zeus(6) are parents of Apollo(8) and Artemis(2), that indivisible and triple lines symbolize in appropriate tridigrams. Namely Zeus and Leto have matrimonial mutual relation and consequently appropriate tridigrams consist of different lines, that symbolizes loyal mutual relation of gods. And also Apollo and Artemis are the brother and the sister and consequently indivisible and triple lines are on different positions in appropriate tridigrams, that symbolizes loyal mutual relation of gods.
And also other interconnected relations of gods can be seen in structural ratio of tridigrams within the magic square.
Look the detailed information on mutual relation of mythological gods and on ratio of gods with numerological numbers in other site section which is named numerology.

In essence it is possible to analyze mutual relation of gods from the view point of numerical combinations and tritetragrams which are represented on magic numerical cards, namely it is possible to interpret each card according to images of two gods, and also according to mutual relation of two gods. For example, to mutual relation of Ares and Aphrodite there correspond numerical cards which have combinations of numerological numbers 1 and 9, or 9 and 1 that forms two tritetragrams in which number 1 and appropriate tridigram is conducting, or number 9 and appropriate tridigram is conducting. Or otherwise it is possible to tell that top tridigram (the top pair of lines in tritetragram) corresponds with bottom tridigram (the bottom pair of lines in tritetragram) according to a principle of subordination or according to a cause-effect relation, or according to mutual relation of the man and the woman if such mutual relation are considered.
For example, if in process a numerological prediction there is a card with number 19 then mutual relation of the man and the woman are identical to mutual relation in which Ares is conducting for Aphrodite and if there is a card with number 91 then mutual relation of the man and the woman are the opposites. Namely the woman has characteristics of Ares, and the man has characteristics of Aphrodite, provided that gods symbolize psychological and social types, but gods do not personify unequivocally men or women from the view point of numerology.
Also double combinations of numbers can be analyzed according to any other principles which depend on questions which are solved by means of numerology. That is numbers of magic cards and lines in tritetragrams in process of numerological predictions can have values which are determined by different preliminary conditions. For example, it is possible to consider combinations of numbers as ratio of the right numbers with the left numbers without hierarchical submission, and it is possible to consider tritetragrams as symbols which preliminary allow to define conditions of subordination for top and bottom tridigrams. And also it is possible to consider a complex design of the magic board which has two numerical notations that allows to correlate numbers and tritetragrams on cards to different systems of coordinates on the board. And also it is possible to take into account that each card has a combination of numbers which corresponds with the linear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square, and also each card has a combination of numbers which corresponds with the nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square that allows to consider different values of numerological numbers.

The following page shows difference of  the linear arrangement and the nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square, and also describes ancient Chinese system "Tai Xuan Jing" or "The Canon of Supreme Mystery" which has the nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square.

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