numerology and numbers

Greek mythology

Page 7.


divine essences and creatures of Greek mythology


Divine essences and creatures of Greek mythology.
The seventh page gives information about chthonic essences and theriomorphic divine beings, also animalistic creatures which in the context of Greek mythology personify human consciousness and are reasons for existence of alive organic matter in physical reality.

Information of this page can be essential not only for people who are interested in numbers of Pythagorean numerology and esoteric conceptions of classical Greek philosophy, but also for psychologists and psychoanalysts because mythological gods of Ancient Greece can be considered as geometrical planes of magic crystal which is image of human consciousness.


Chthonic essences of Greek mythology.
Planes of consciousness and existence of organic matter.

Occurrence of Chaos from the view point of Christian Gnostic philosophy is caused by Prince of World or primary idea which has arisen from desire of Sophia and became the reason for origin of universe, namely became a source of existential life which is the first global category.
Chaos was first of five primary potentialities of universe and there was unstructured matter which is the second global category.
Then there were four adolescents of Chaos, namely expansion of light has begun within arising universe, and there was initial movement which is third global category.
First light was motionless or possessed potential movement, that corresponds with Erebus. But together with Erebus from Chaos there was energetic potential of creation or Eros, namely there was divine energy which is fourth global category.
Occurrence of Eros resulted kinetic movement of light, that corresponds with Nyx who became unobvious space and has generated providential divine essences which have predetermined destiny of arising universe.
Also occurrence of Eros has resulted appearance of Gaia or structured material substance which in the union with Uranus or celestial principle of re-structuring matter became great mother of gods.
Then occurrence of male and female titans has resulted objective space which is fifth global category. Namely there was appearance of Hemera or unrestricted movement of light, that became the source for existence of time which is sixth global category, also is the reason for origin of Tartarus or energy of destruction.
Then male and female titans became parents of following generation of divine essences, namely have generated Olympic gods who as a result of existential occurrence of Aether began to exist in celestial space of ethereal reality.
Before occurrence of titans and titanesses there was real unobvious continuum of time and space, namely there was celestial sphere of primordial ideas or ideal shapes.
Then occurrence of titans and titanesses has resulted objective continuum of time and space, namely astral reality of universe began to exist.
Then existential birth of Olympic gods has resulted occurrence of ethereal reality.
Then there was occurrence of subethereal celestial space and physical reality where people exist.
Occurrence of primary chthonic divine essences there was in celestial sphere of ideal shapes, namely appearance of mythological deities which were generated by Gaia from Uranus and similarly to offspring generation of Hyx have formed hierarchy which can by compared to magic square of nine numbers of Pythagorean numerology.
Numbers 2, 5, 8 - horaes or keepers of cloudy gates.
Number 2 - Auxo - germination of seeds.
Number 5 - Thallo - flowering of plants.
Number 8 - Carpo - maturing of fruits.
Numbers 1, 4, 7 - cyclopes or one-eyed colossus.
Number 1 - Steropes - lightning or elemental force of fire.
Number 7 - Brontes - thunder or elemental force of air.
Number 4 - Arges - combination of lightning and thunder - connection of fire and air.
Numbers 3, 6, 9 - hecatonchires or hundred-handed colossus.
Number 3 - Gyes - elemental force of earth.
Number 9 - Cottus - elemental force or spontaneous power of water.
Number 6 - Briareus or Aegaeon - combination of elemental force of earth and spontaneous power of water.
Information about characteristics of hundred-handed and one-eyed colossus in mythology of Ancient Greece was not kept, but it is possible to assume that hecatonchires in aggregate with cyclopes correspond to fundamental elemental forces of nature.
The resulted parities of three hecatonchires with numbers of Pythagorean numerology and elemental forces of nature are hypothetical. Namely Gyes can personify spontaneous power of water, and Cottus can be connected with elemental force of earth.
Mythological name of Cottus can consist of other letters, namely Got or God, also Hot or Code.
Also mythological name Gyes can consist of other letters, and in particular Dies or Dios.
Also other names of hecatonchires and cyclopes can consist of other letters, because it is possible to assume that philosophers and poets of Ancient Greece used words of northern nations for denomination of mythological gods which are connected with fundamental elemental forces of nature.
Or it is possible to assume that philosophers and poets of Ancient Greece borrowed names of gods which at northern nations corresponded to forces of nature. Because Vedic mythology has information about hierarchy of atmospheric gods which are connected with elements of nature.
Look information about atmospheric deities of Vedic mythology on pages of other website on 4th page in section which is named as names of gods.

Also adolescent of Gaia and Uranus in celestial sphere of ideal shapes there was one more chthonic divine essence Pontus or personification of sea which alongside with Cottus personified spontaneous power of water.
Pontus in succeeding generations of Greek mythology became primogenitor of theriomorphic divine essences in celestial space of subethereal reality.
Primary chthonic essences in sphere of ideal shapes stayed in cosmic womb of Gaia and could not leave outside, but then Cronus or younger of twelve male and female titans has sterilized Uranus and as a result there was celestial space of astral reality. Namely titans and titanesses became secondary chthonic divine essences which were pulled out from cosmic womb of Gaia and have formed following existential continuum of universe, also these deities of Greek mythology have stopped creation of new substantial forms of material life which arose owing to Uranus as a result of uncontrollable re-structuring of global matter.
Also together with titans and titanesses from cosmic womb Gaia there were pulled out primary chthonic essences which too began to exist in celestial space of astral reality after sterilization of Uranus and ending of uncontrollable creation of new substantial forms of material life.
But from blood of sterilized Uranus after occurrence of astral reality there was appearance of tertiary chthonic divine essences which personify expansion of information or otherwise to tell global stream of consciousness in celestial space of universe.
Expansion of information is equivalent to movement of light, and consequently tertiary chthonic essences have characteristics which correspond with parameters of primary adolescents of Chaos.
Erinyes personify unobvious stream of consciousness or subconscious thought, namely these goddesses of Greek mythology are complex combination of psychophysical parameters of Erebus and Nyx, that corresponds with individual unconscious ideas from the scientific view point of modern psychology.
Gigantes personify obvious stream of consciousness, namely these gods of Greek mythology are complex combination of psychophysical parameters of Nyx and Hemera, that corresponds to actual thinking from the scientific view point of modern psychology.
Aphrodite Urania personifies objective stream of consciousness or extreme mind, namely these goddess of Greek mythology is complex combination of psychophysical parameters of Hemera and Aether, that corresponds with super individual unconscious idea from the scientific view point of modern psychology.
Erinyes correspond to three planes of subconscious thought.
Alecto personifies not realized inducement to actions or affective impulses and insensible motives of behavior.
Megaera personifies not realized schemes and programs of life ability or insensible operational stereotypes of automatic behavior.
Tisiphone personifies not realized presentiments and assumptions or involuntary semantic omens which foretell positive or negative results of human activity.
Gigantes correspond to thirteen planes of actual thinking.
In total three erinyes and thirteen gigantes, also Aphrodite Urania form celestial hierarchy which is geometrical image of thirteen-sided crystal of human consciousness, that is shown on the chart.

geometrical image of thirteen-sided crystal of human consciousness Central white triangle corresponds to Aphrodite Urania and objective stream of extreme mind or super individual unconscious idea.
Three dark triangles correspond to erinyes and three planes of unobvious stream of subconscious thought or individual unconscious ideas.
General set of thirteen triangles corresponds to gigantes and obvious stream of consciousness or actual thinking.
Detail information about thirteen planes of human consciousness and tertiary chthonic divine essences in myths of Ancient Greece I shall try to publish in the future.
Pay attention that fantastic legend or fiction story about 13 crystal skulls, which mankind should collect together, is modern interpretation of ancient Greek myth about thirteen gigantes. Also or fiction story or fantastic legend about magic crystal, which was concealed by prior civilizations in bowels of the Earth, is modern interpretation of ancient Greek myth about three erinyes and Aphrodite Urania which were sisters of thirteen gigantes and were born from blood of Uranus.

Characteristics of thirteen gigantes in ancient Greek mythology were not kept, but there is information that they have been destroyed or in other words absorbed by hierarchy of Olympic gods after occurrence of ethereal reality of universe. Namely these thirteen mythological deities have been overcame as a result of gigantomachy or struggle of Olympic gods against gigantes, that is shown on the following chart.

mythological deities and gigantomachy or struggle of Olympic gods against gigantes Number 1 - gigant Alcyoneus has been absorbed by Ares.
Ares has absorbed Alcyoneus, but he did not participate in gigantomachy, because Olympic gods could absorb gigantes only by means of human being. Namely by means of Heracles who was son of terrestrial woman and instead of Ares became victor of Alcyoneus.
Therefore it is possible to assume that gigant Alcyoneus corresponds with white triangle in the center of thirteen-sided crystal of consciousness and is connected with Aphrodite Urania who personifies objective stream of extreme mind or super individual unconscious idea. Because Alcyoneus was stronger than Olympic gods, but he has been conquered by human being.

Number 2 - gigantes Gration and Clytius have been absorbed by Artemis and Hecate.
Number 3 - gigant Hippolytus has been absorbed by Hermes.
Number 4 - gigantes Thoas and Agrius have been absorbed by Leto and Hera.
Leto and Hera did not participate in gigantomachy, because these two goddesses of ancient Greek mythology caused occurrence of discrete material substance of universe and could not resist to children of Uranus. But however Thoas and Agrius have been conquered by goddess Astrea who is daughter of Zeus and Themis, namely is equivalent of moirae, and then these two mythological gigantes have been absorbed by Leto and Hera.
Number 5 - gigantes Pallas and Enceladus have been absorbed by Athena.
Number 6 - gigantes Polybotes and Porphyrion have been absorbed by Poseidon and Zeus.
Number 7 - gigant Mimas has been absorbed by Hephaestus.
Number 8 - gigantes Ephialtes and Eurytus have been absorbed by Apollo and Dionysus.
Number 9 - Aphrodite Urania did not participate in gigantomachy, because this goddesses of Greek mythology is sister of gigantes and corresponds with central triangle of thirteen-sided crystal of consciousness. But Aphrodite Urania as a result of gigantomachy has been assimilated and became integral part of Olympic divine hierarchy.
Also erinyes as a result of gigantomachy have been assimilated by Olympic gods and became well-intentioned eumenides, namely they have been subordinated to collective consciousness or otherwise to tell general gnosis of celestial hierarchies.
Pay attention that collective consciousness of gods and super individual unconscious idea are different mental phenomena. Therefore it is necessary to distinguish archetypes of collective unconscious in the context of modern analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and objective stream of super individual unconscious idea which is personified by Aphrodite Urania. Also it is necessary to distinguish archetypes of collective unconscious and subjective stream of super individual unconscious idea, or otherwise to tell celestial wisdom which is personified by Athena who is central goddess of Olympic pantheon.
Process of gigantomachy was realized within subethereal reality.
Also titanomachy or struggle of Olympic gods against titans was realized within subethereal reality, because during occurrence of universe early divine essence were shown in new spaces and spheres of life.
Divine reason for occurrence of new sphere of universe was Gaia who after sterilization of Uranus has incorporated with Pontus, and as a result there were born twins Phorcys and Ceto who became ancestors of divine essences within subethereal reality and similarly to primary adolescents of Chaos can be compared to symbols of Chinese canon i-jing, also with numbers of numerological system of ancient China.
Gaia - 9 - realization of elemental force of earth.
- 6 - realization of elemental power of water.
Phorcys - 7 - prevalence of elemental force of earth over power of water.
Ceto - 8 - prevalence of elemental power of water over force of earth.
Diverse adolescents of Phorcys and Ceto became quaternary chthonic essences or otherwise to tell theriomorphic divine beings which began to exist in cosmic space of subethereal reality.
Equivalent of Gaia in the context of Roman mythology is goddess Terra, and consequently derivative quaternary chthonic essences are theriomorphic deities.
In particular theriomorphic adolescents of Phorcys and Ceto were mythological gorgons and graeaes or grey sisters, also Python and Echidna.
Also Gaia after sterilization of Uranus has incorporated with Tartarus or energy of destruction and as a result there was born Typhon who caused occurrence of physical reality. Namely mythological Typhon began to exist within subethereal space but this deity of Greek mythology is personification of dead mineral matter which forms physical reality of universe.
Typhon in union with Echidna has generated Chimera and Hydra, also Sphinx and dragon Ladon, and then many other theriomorphic deities.
Typhon could be sovereign of physical reality, but he has been conquered by Zeus and as a result there was occurrence of alive organic matter. Namely alongside with Typhon within subethereal space there was beginning for existence of diverse divine essence which became alternative of dead mineral matter, namely animalistic creatures which are connected with plants and animals, or with rivers and mountains, also with many other natural phenomena of physical reality.
In particular animalistic creatures are numerous oceanids and naiads which are daughters and sons of titan Oceanus and titaness Tethys, namely secondary generations of chthonic divine essences.
Also animalistic creatures are diverse mythological deities which were born as children of primary and tertiary chthonic divine essences.
Telchines were born as sons of Aphrodite Urania and cyclopes or one-eyed colossus.
Also telchines in Greek mythology are nine kouretes who are sons of goddess Thalassa, also retinue of titaness Rhea and servants of Athena, also tutors of Zeus and Dionysus.
Also telchines are dactyls who are retinue of titaness Rhea and assistants of Hephaestus.
Also similar as telchines are cabiries who were born as children of Hephaestus and oceanid Kabeiro.

Muses were born as daughters of Aphrodite Urania and hecatonchires or hundred-handed colossus.
Also titaness Mnemosyne in matrimonial union with titan Crius, and then in conjugal connection with Zeus and Poseidon was mother of mythological divine essences which are muses.
Muses in the union with naiads have generated korybantes and sirens which too are animalistic creatures of Greek mythology.

Charites were born as daughters of Aphrodite Urania and gigantes.
Zeus and oceanid Eurynome too were parents of mythological deities which are charites.
Silens were born as sons of erinyes and hecatonchires.
Maenads were born as daughters of erinyes and cyclopes.
Also maenads in Greek mythology are bacchantes and bassarids which accompany Dionysus.
Satyrs were born as sons of erinyes and gigantes.
Nymphs were born in conjugal connection of three horaes with gigantes, also with cyclopes and hecatonchires.
Hyleoroes and dryades, also hamadryades are connected with plants.
Orodemniades and orestiades are connected with mountain landscapes.
Limnades and leimonides are connected with lakes and water-meadows.
Also nymphs are alseides and auloniades, and some other types.
And the most ancient nymphs are meliades which were born as daughters of three horaes and gigant Alcyoneus.
General set of diverse animalistic creatures of Greek mythology is derivative of hexagonal geometrical figure which form primary and tertiary chthonic deities, that is shown on the chart.

animalistic creatures of Greek mythology and chthonic deities For primary chthonic essences there corresponds triangle which is focused upwards.
For tertiary chthonic essences there corresponds triangle which is focused downwards.
Top part of hexagonal figure corresponds to female mythological deities.
Bottom part of hexagonal figure corresponds to male mythological deities.
Animalistic creatures of Greek mythology are derivatives of female and male divine essences, that within hexagonal figure is designated with fat dark lines.


Aphrodite is personification of super conscious idea and forms diametrical axis with cyclopes which personify elemental forces of fire and air, also mental parameters of right brain hemisphere and extraversion of human person.
Steropes - fire - ethical mental function.
Brontes - air - sensory mental function.
Arges - connection of fire and air - extraversion of human personality.
Erinyes are personifications of subconscious thought and form diametrical axis with hecatonchires which personify elemental forces of earth and water, also mental parameters of left brain hemisphere and introversion of human person.
Gyes - earth - logical mental function.
Cottus - water - intuitive mental function.
Briareus or Aegaeon - connection of earth and water - introversion of human personality.
Gigantes are personifications of actual consciousness and form diametrical axis with horaes which personify biological cycle of vegetative evolution of plants, also three mental levels of human consciousness.
Auxo - germination of seeds - analytical consciousness or decomposition of information on fragments.
Thallo - flowering of plants - integrating consciousness or comparison of separate fragments of information.
Carpo - maturing of fruits - synthesizing consciousness or connection of separate fragments of information.
Look data about mental parameters of brain hemispheres and three levels of consciousness on pages of other website in section where psychological features of human face are described.
In total diverse animalistic creatures of Greek mythology are life-giving or otherwise to tell vital divine essences which are sources for existence of alive organic matter in space of physical reality, also resuscitate or animating celestial beings who contradict disastrous theriomorphic deities which have been born by twins Phorcys and Ceto under protection of monstrous Typhon.
Example of antagonistic contradiction animalistic creatures and theriomorphic deities are three gorgons whose eyesight transforms alive organic matter into stones.
Therefore theriomorphic deities cannot be combined with animalistic creatures which are derivatives of primary and tertiary chthonic divine essences.
But theriomorphic deities of Greek mythology can be combined with animalistic creatures from celestial category of secondary chthonic essences.
In particular nereids are daughters of Nereus and oceanid Doris.
Nereus was third offspring of Gaia and Pontus alongside with Phorcys and Ceto, namely farther of nereids is theriomorphic deity of Greek mythology.
Doris was daughter of titan Oceanus and titaness Tethys, namely mother of nereids corresponds to celestial category of secondary chthonic essences.
Also adolescents of Nyx, Erebus, Hemera and Aether can be combined with divine essences from celestial category of secondary chthonic deities.
In particular Eris has incorporated with Ares who is son of Zeus and Hera, namely divine descendant of titan Cronus and titaness Rhea, and as a result there were arising of keres whose name is semantic equivalent of Russian word which means retribution.
Or Hypnos has incorporated with Iris who personifies iridescent spectrum of sunlight, and as a result there were arising of oneiroes Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos who can be visible in various illusory shapes of people, animals or plants.
Greek goddess Iris was born as daughter of oceanid Electra and Thaumas who is brother of Nereus, namely fourth offspring of Gaia and Pontus alongside with Phorcys and Ceto.
Or titan Crius has incorporated with Eurybia, and as a result there was born Perses who became father of goddess Hecate. Also there was born Pallas who became celestial progenitor for winged goddess of victory Nike.
Eurybia is sister of Nereus and Thaumas, namely this deity of Greek mythology was born as fifth offspring of Gaia and Pontus alongside with Phorcys and Ceto.
Gaia after sterilization of Uranus and matrimonial union with Pontus too had conjugal connection with divine essence from celestial category of secondary chthonic deities, namely she has incorporated with Poseidon who is son of titan Cronus and titaness Rhea, and as a result terrestrial giant Antaeus was born.
Poseidon personifies water elements of universe in hierarchy of Olympic gods and he is equivalent to Pontus, that was fundamental precondition of connection with Gaia.
Then Poseidon has incorporated with meliades who are the most ancient nymphs, and as a result terrestrial giants Orion and Aload were born. But only two meliades have incorporated with Poseidon. Namely conjugal connection with third of most ancient nymphs could not be real, and consequently giant Sarpedon was dead born.
Therefore in succeeding events divine name of giant Sarpedon has been given to brother of Minoan king Minos who has placed in labyrinth monstrous Minotaur who was son of Poseidon.
Total three terrestrial giants Orion, Aload and Antaeus became divine essences who began to exist in subethereal space of universe and have generated reasonable alive beings within physical reality, or otherwise to tell conceiving individuals who differ from plants and animals as are not connected with animalistic creatures but possess personal consciousness.
Generations of terrestrial giants were final results of evolutionary process according to which there was resulted cosmic development of material substance as a consequence of initial occurrence of four primary adolescents of Chaos and substantial embodiment of divine essences from celestial sphere of ideal shapes in astral and ethereal reality of universe. And then within subethereal space and physical reality where origin of alive organic matter and realization of reasonable life has been realized.
Namely there was realization of unrestrained desire of Sophia who personifies initial life or in other words is hyperreal prototype of global world category which caused occurrence of universe.
But generations of terrestrial giants were not people or otherwise to tell human beings.
Therefore Antaeus has been destroyed by Heracles, also children of Aload and Orion have been stroked by celestial arrows of Artemis.
Also there were many other events or complex phenomenological processes at realization of global life and occurrence of people in space of physical reality.
Detail history of cosmic realization of global life and occurrence of people I shall try to tell in the future if to mankind there will be interesting information about origin of human person from the view point of Christian Gnostic philosophy and Greek mythology.
Also from the view point of other mythological systems of human civilization.

Following page results information about parities of Greek mythological gods of Olympic pantheon with magic square of nine numbers of Pythagorean numerology and fundamental elements of universe.

