numerology of ancient myths

mathematical information

Page 6.


central Greek goddess and ancient myths


Central Greek goddess and ancient myths.
The sixth page gives information about goddess Athena who in the context of ancient Greek myths and Pythagorean numerology corresponds to mystical value of number 5.
Also sixth page gives information about geometrical proportions of the Greek temple Parthenon and Sophia the Wisdom of God who in the context Christian Gnostic philosophy is prototype Greek mythological Athena.
Also sixth page speaks about primary adolescents of initial Chaos who became the source of material substance of universe.

Information of this page can interest not only astrologers and numerologists who are engaged in research of esoteric knowledge of ancient Greek astrology and Pythagorean numerology, but also can be interesting to people studying mantic sign systems, because images of mythological gods of Ancient Greece can be considered as set of logic signs which are similar to runic symbols or images on divinatory cards of occult Tarot.


Numerology and ancient Greek myths.
Pythagorean numerological number 5.

Pythagorean philosophy and numerology or pentagonal geometrical figure Athena - number 5.
Athena is daughter of oceanid Metis, but she was born as idea from head of Zeus. Because son of Zeus and Metis according to prediction of Prometheus should was to overthrow global supremacy of Olympic gods.
Zeus has absorbed Metis, but as a result mythological goddess Athena has come into the world instead of potential son.
Also in the context of ancient Greek mythology there is information that celestial image of Athena has fallen from the sky, and consequently original source of her birth is unknown for pantheon of Olympic gods.
Athena is goddess of wisdom which surpasses knowledge of all Olympic gods.
Athena possesses gift of divine prophecy and predictive forecasts of future destiny, also she has musical abilities as has invented tonal flute as gift for Apollo.
Athena demands from people sacred respect for gods even if behavior of Olympic deities are not ideal from the view point of moral norms.
Athena is patroness of heroes who realize feats for social sake of people or otherwise to tell for collective interests of human society.
This goddess of ancient Greek myths has helped Prometheus when he has stolen fire from smithy workshop of Hephaestus for people.
This goddess stores democracy which was political and social basis of ancient Greek state, and consequently Athena is competitor of Supreme Olympic gods who aspire to absolute and authoritative world supremacy.


Athena is courageous and brave goddess as she fearlessly looks in face of contenders and competitors, and consequently this deity of ancient Greek myths is identified with owl and snake.
On the shield of Athena there is monstrous head of Gorgon Medusa whose sight transforms gods and people into motionless stones.
Athena helped Zeus to struggle against titans because she has been interested in transformation of universe as a result of celestial victory of Olympic gods.
Athena is absolute winner because this goddess of Greek myths was born from head of Zeus, and after that she is accompanied by winged deity of victory Nike.
Athena gives people fine beauty, namely she has touched Odyssey who became the most graceful and wise among all Greek kings who participated in Trojan War.
Athena in Roman mythology is identical with Minerva who was divine patroness of handicraftsmen, also philosophers, poets, artists, musicians, doctors, teachers, whose work promoted evolution of human civilization.
Public center of religious cult of mythological goddess Athena in Ancient Greece were the temple Parthenon in which architectural parameters Pythagorean numerological number 5 has been incorporated. Because architects and builders have calculated basic architectural parameters of Parthenon according to proportional ratio of mathematical square root of number 5 with digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, that corresponds to golden section, namely proportions of geometrical sizes which human consciousness perceives as beautiful and harmonious.
Or it is possible to assume that architects and builders of Ancient Greece did not consider square root of number 5, but have calculated architectural parameters of Parthenon according to proportions of pentagonal geometrical figure in which mathematical values are concluded golden section.
Because architects and builders of Ancient Greece have been initiated into esoteric knowledge of Pythagorean philosophy and numerology, namely Greeks knew that goddess Athena corresponds to number 5 and pentagonal geometrical figure. Also Greeks knew that universal proportional ratios are concluded in pentagon which became basic principle of beauty and harmony of Greek temple which is devoted to Athena the most significant goddess in myths of Ancient Greece.
Number 5 is located in the center of magic square of nine numerical signs of Pythagorean numerology, also Athena is central goddess of Olympic pantheon, because this Greek deity personifies wisdom which counterbalances opposite psychological characteristics of gods, and in essence she is personification of general celestial gnosis or otherwise to tell universal collective consciousness of divine hierarchies.
Digital center of magic square of numerical signs of Pythagorean numerology symbolizes central world axis or otherwise to tell global tree, and consequently goddess Athena is equivalent of Hestia who personifies stable harmony of cosmic space and common unity of Supreme Olympic gods of Ancient Greece. Namely Hestia personifies ether or quintessence of four fundamental world elements which form material substance of universe and correspond to celestial conglomerate of Supreme gods on Olympic pantheon of Ancient Greece.
Also goddess Athena is equivalent to Uranus who is initial epicenter of five primary potentialities of universe and celestial reason for occurrence of all divine essences.
Also goddess Athena is equivalent of Sophia who in the context of Gnostic Christian philosophy is Wisdom of God.
Greek word "sophia" or "wisdom" in the context of ancient philosophy and myths was figurative epithet of Athena. But in the context of Christian Gnostic philosophy this word became the name of Sophia who is described in the Apocryphon of apostle John.
Look summary of the Apocryphon of apostle John on pages of other website:
Sophia was one of twelve aeons of perfect Pleroma which existed before occurrence of universe, but she has wished to open own image without participation of divine will of unique hidden Spirit owing to which she began to exist. And as a result occurrence of universe was performed, or in other words there was arisen of new world reality which did not exist before, namely there were primary potentialities Chaos, Eros, Gaia, Tartarus, Uranus according to which creation of material substance has begun.
In the beginning there was unique hidden Spirit which saw itself, and there was nobody who could see him. But invisible image of unique hidden Spirit was found out as Pronoia or first idea which became initial prototype of all existence. Also there were foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth which together with first idea have formed five primary qualities of unique hidden Spirit.
Then from Pronoia of hidden Spirit there was light or unique Son who have been allocated by divine right of creation.
Unique Son became Ennoia of hidden Spirit, and he has created four forces of perfect godlike light.
Armozel - divine force of grace or mercy.
Oriel - divine force of perception or sympathy.
Daveithai - divine force of wisdom or mutual understanding.
Eleleth - divine force of prudence or judiciousness.
Four forces of godlike light of unique Son have formed twelve aeons of perfect Pleroma and in essence became basic elements of hyperreality which existed before occurrence of universe.
Then Sophia as one of twelve aeons of perfect Pleroma became the reason for occurrence of material substance of universe. And in essence Sophia became the reason for occurrence of Chaos who is unstructured matter and in the context of Christian Gnostic philosophy is Prince of universe or primary idea which has arisen from her desire.
Primary idea or Chaos has appeared as first, and then there were five primary potentialities and as a result initial creation of material substance of universe was performed regardless of divine will of ignorant Sophia but by means of her desire. Because primary potentialities have received from Sophia invincible divine force which has allowed to carry out own autocratic creation.
But hyper realistic image of Sophia was displayed in space of universe and became celestial prototype according to which material substance was created. And in essence hyper realistic image of Sophia became Epinoia of perfect hyperreality which became celestial prototype of arising universe.
Therefore in the context of Greek myths there is information that celestial image of goddess Athena has fallen from the sky as prototype of perfect world harmony.
Because goddess Athena is equivalent of Sophia.
As a result new arising universe became similar to other perfect hyperreality which existed before, though similarity is not equivalent.
Five primary potentialities became similar to initial qualities of unique hidden Spirit.
Chaos - unstructured matter - water - foreknowledge.
Eros - energy of creation - metal - indestructibility.
Gaia - structured matter - ground - eternal life.
Tartarus - energy of destruction - fire - truth.
Uranus - re-structuring - tree - first idea or forethought - Pronoia of unique hidden Spirit.
Male and female titans became similar to twelve aeons of perfect Pleroma.
Adolescents of Chaos became similar to four forces of godlike light of unique Son according to whom twelve aeons of perfect Pleroma are created.
Adolescents of Chaos are generations of unstructured matters, because they have not been born by Uranus and Gaia who personifies structural material substance of universe. Namely they are divine essences which have arisen directly from Chaos without participation Gaia and Uranus, also Eros and Tartarus, and consequently these are mythological deities which exist as prototypes of matter. Actually as prototypes of polar qualities of four fundamental world elements which form material substance of universe.
Erebus - warm quality of world elements - Armozel - benevolence.
Erebus is personification of blind gloom or absolute absence of light.
Also Erebus is mythological personification of space which is compressed in one point and impossibility of movement for light beams.
Nyx - damp quality of world elements - Oriel - sympathy.
Nyx is personification of night twilight and indistinct unobvious space, namely scanty movement of light beams.
Pay attention that Greek goddess Nyx or Nikt has remarkable name which has conformation with Russian words nobody and nothing, that corresponds to unobvious space and indistinct night twilight.
Hemera - dry quality of world elements - Daveithai - mutual understanding.
Hemera is personification of daylight and objective space, namely unrestricted movement of light beams.
Aether - cold quality of world elements - Eleleth - prudence.
Aether personification of infinite space and radiation which is not accessible to perception, namely expansion of light beams which move with increasing speed.
General set of adolescents of Chaos can be compared to male and female deities of the Great Ogdoad in cosmogony system of Hermopolis of ancient Egypt.
Erebus - KUK and KAUKET - blind gloom.
- NUN and NAUNET - impenetrable depth of water.
- AMUN and AMUNET - transparent air.
- HUH and HAUHET - infinity.
Or set of adolescents of Chaos can be considered as combinations of world forces Yin and Yang in the context of Chinese philosophy of Taoism, and in essence with numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 in numerology of ancient China.
Erebus - 6 - realization of force Yin.
Nyx - 7 - prevalence of force Yang over Yin.
Hemera - 8 - prevalence of force Yin over Yang.
Aether - 9 - realization of force Yang.
Namely initial Chaos in myths of Ancient Greece can be considered as the Great Limit or Tao which in the context of Chinese philosophy of Taoism personifies syncretism or unity of dual world forces Yin and Yang.
Or initial Chaos in myths of Ancient Greece can be considered as cosmic egg from which Brahma was born or golden germ of Universe in the context of Hindu mythology.
It is necessary to tell that numbers from 1 to 5 in the context of numerological system of ancient China correspond to five substances, namely water, metal, ground, fire, tree, that is equivalent to primary potentialities of universe in the Greek myths. And numbers from 6 to 9 in the context of numerological system of ancient China corresponded to four combinations of dual world forces Yin and Yang, that is equivalent to primary adolescents of Chaos in the ancient Greek myths.
More detail information about numbers of Chinese numerology, also about deities of Great Ogdoad in cosmogony system of Hermopolis of ancient Egypt I shall try to publish in the future on pages of this website.

Then during formation of universe there were Supreme Olympic gods who began to exist as children of male and female titans, also descendants of Uranus and Gaia, namely as generations of structural material substance. But in essence Supreme Olympic gods became displays of adolescents of initial Chaos and unstructured matter which forms polar qualities of four fundamental world elements.
Zeus - elements of air - damp and warm - Nyx and Erebus.
Poseidon - elements of water - damp and cold - Nyx and Aether.
Hades - elements of fire - dry and warm - Hemera and Erebus.
Demeter - elements of earth - dry and cold - Hemera and Aether.
Hecate - quintessence of world elements - Aether.
Leto - damp and dry - Nyx and Hemera.
Hera - warm and cold - Erebus and Aether.
Combinations of damp with dry and warm with cold are illogical, and consequently goddesses Hera and Leto became the reason for occurrence of discrete matter.
As a result of occurrence of discrete matter there was ethereal reality, and consequently structural parities of Supreme Olympic gods and fundamental world elements with adolescents of Chaos have changed.
Zeus - air - damp and warm - Hemera and Aether.
Poseidon - water - damp and cold - Hemera and Erebus.
Hades - fire - dry and warm - Nyx and Aether.
Demeter - earth - dry and cold - Nyx and Erebus.
Supreme Olympic gods and their children in space of ethereal reality have formed hierarchy which corresponds to nine numbers of Pythagorean numerology, that is similar to celestial conglomerate of divine essences which are descendants of primary adolescents of initial Chaos, namely generations of unstructured matter and movement of light. And in particular descendants of primary adolescents of initial Chaos are offspring of Nyx who in myths of Ancient Greece personifies unobvious space and scanty movement of light, or otherwise to tell indistinct twilight.
Number 1 - Momus and Eris.
Momus is mythological deity of slander or in other words prejudiced accusation.
Momus blamed Zeus, also Athena and Prometheus, and consequently he has been expelled from hierarchy of Olympic gods of ancient Greek myths.
Eris is mythological goddess of enmity and contention, also rivalry which is initiating force of social development.
Eris exists within hierarchical structure of Olympic gods, though this goddess of ancient Greek myths is offspring of Nyx and descendant of Chaos.
Numbers 2 and 8 - sisters hesperides.
Sisters hesperides are goddesses who protect golden apples of eternal youth in wonderful garden at the extreme west.
Golden apples of eternal youth belonged to Gaia who personifies structural matter and is mother of all gods. But Gaia has given golden apples to Hera and Leto who are the reason for occurrence of discrete material substance of universe. Therefore myths of Ancient Greece have information that wonderful garden of hesperides located at extreme west border of world space, because goddesses Hera and Leto correspond to number 4 which within magic square of numerical signs of Pythagorean numerology corresponds to western reference point of geographic directions, that is shown on the chart.

magic numerical signs of Pythagorean numerology and geographic directions Ethereal reality.
1 - north.
7 - west.
9 - south.
3 - east.
Subethereal reality.
8 - north.
4 - west.
2 - south.
6 - east.

Number 4 corresponds to western reference point of geographic directions within subethereal reality which directly adjoins to physical space on surface of the Earth. But ethereal reality has other spatial reference points or otherwise to tell local coordinates of geographic directions, and consequently two numbers 4 both 7 corresponds with extreme west and location of wonderful garden of hesperides.
Therefore Hebe in the context of Greek myths is eternally young goddess and corresponds to number 7, also geometrical figure of heptagon from the view point of Pythagorean numerology is mystical symbol of eternity, though keepers of golden apples of eternal youth are hesperides who correspond to numerological numbers 2 and 8.
To number 2 there correspond hesperides Hesperia and Arethusa who personify lunar eclipses.
Hesperia - disappearing entity means lunar eclipses as a result of which moon light becomes dark.
Arethusa - admiring entity means lunar eclipses as a result of which moon light becomes red.
To number 8 there correspond hesperides Aegle and Erytheia who personify solar eclipses.
Aegle - illuminate entity means circular eclipses of the sun with visible light of solar crown.
Erytheia - obscure consciousness or bewitching entity means eclipses of the sun when sunlight is completely closed by heavenly body of the moon.
Also celestial keeper of golden apples of eternal youth is mythological dragon Ladon who personifies astronomical nodes of lunar orbit, namely points of heavenly sphere where trajectory of the moon crosses ecliptic or visible way of the sun on firmament.
Ascending or North Node of lunar orbit corresponds with head of dragon and symbolizes future time.
Descending or South Node of lunar orbit corresponds with tail of dragon and symbolizes past time.
Namely dragon Ladon is equivalent of serpent who bites own tail and is mystical symbol of eternity, and in essence personifies future time which absorbs past temporal substance and turns into infinite chronological wheel.
Therefore dragon Ladon protects golden apples of eternal youth alongside with hesperides who personify solar and lunar eclipses. Because eclipses occur when zodiacal positions of moon and sun are near to astronomical nodes of lunar orbit or in other words come into contact with dragon.
Aegle or illuminate entity has value if moon and sun adjoin with head of dragon during solar eclipse.
Erytheia or bewitching entity has value if moon and sun adjoin with tail of dragon during solar eclipse.
Hesperia or disappearing entity has value if moon adjoins with tail and sun is near to head of dragon during astronomical lunar eclipse.
Arethusa or admiring entity has value if moon adjoins with head and sun is near to tail of dragon during astronomical lunar eclipse.
Namely mythological names of four hesperides in the context of Greek myths mean not only physical parameters of sunlight and moonlight during eclipses, but also ratio of moon and sun with draconic head and tail.
Because interrelations of mental functions of two hemispheres of human brain change during eclipses, or in other words there are alterations of neural links which connect lunar and solar psychological parameters of human consciousness.
During solar eclipses there is coordination of mental functions of right and left hemispheres of human brain, that can have destructive consequences if sun and moon are near to tail of dragon, namely are focused in past time. Or consequences can be constructive if sun and moon adjoin to head of dragon, namely are focused in future time.
During lunar eclipses there is mismatch of mental functions of right and left hemispheres of human brain, that too can have destructive consequences if sun is near to head, and moon adjoins with tail of dragon, namely is focused in past time. Or consequences can be constructive if sun is near to tail, and moon adjoins with head of dragon, namely is focused in future time.
Therefore myths of Ancient Greece have information that golden apples of eternal youth belong to Hera and Leto, because these goddesses are celestial reason for occurrence of discrete material substance of universe and polar mental functions of human consciousness.
Therefore mythological dragon Ladon and sisters hesperides protect golden apples of eternal youth, because human personality as a result of coordination of polar mental functions can be complete, and as a result people can be eternally young and immortal, that contradicts interests of divine hierarchies.
It is possible to assume that Greek dragon Ladon is equivalent with solar boat of Egyptian deity Ra in mythology of ancient Egypt. Because nautical rostrum and stern can be correlated with head and tail of dragon Ladon, also characters of Egyptian myths onboard of heavenly solar boat of Ra can be compared with deities which in the context of Greek Pythagorean numerology correspond to numbers 2 and 8.
Or all magic square of nine numerical signs of Greek Pythagorean numerology can be considered as heavenly boat of solar Egyptian god Ra, and so mythological oarsmen and oars can be correlated to deities which correspond to numbers 2 and 8.

Numbers 4, 5, 6 - moiraes.
Moiraes in myths of Ancient Greece are goddesses of destiny or otherwise to tell divine fate.
To number 4 there corresponds moirae Lachesis who predetermines initial lot of human personality at birth time.
To number 5 there corresponds moirae Clotho who spins guiding thread of destiny during terrestrial human life.
To number 6 there corresponds moirae Atropos who determines inevitable lot of human personality after ending of terrestrial life.
It is possible to tell that Lachesis predetermines initial lot according to positions of stars at birth moment. And then Clotho allows human personality to decide independently own destiny, but this moirae of Greek myths corrects events according to divine laws of celestial validity. And as a result mythological moirae Atropos determines inevitable requital after ending of terrestrial life and death of organic physical body.
Lachesis is connected with Hera who forms physical skeleton of future child and creates psycho-physiological frame of human soul.
Clotho is connected with Athena who forms by means of guiding thread or strings of destiny psycho-physiological fabric of human soul during terrestrial life.
Atropos is connected with Zeus and Hades who weigh souls of people on golden weights after death of organic physical bodies. Namely moirae Atropos carry out divine laws of requital and direct human souls into celestial space of air elements which belongs to Zeus, or into fire abyss or hellhole of Hades.
Three moiraes and four hesperides are interconnected deities.
Therefore to numbers 4, 5, 6, also 2 and 8 of Pythagorean numerology there correspond Olympic Greek gods who are moiragetes, namely deities who possess celestial knowledge of moiraes.
Apollo and Dionysus possess knowledge of three moiraes by means of hesperides Erytheia and Aegle who correspond to number 8 and solar eclipses.
Apollo is capable to announce fatal events of future time, namely this Greek deity possesses knowledge about laws of celestial validity and inevitable requital.
Dionysus is capable to release people from social duties, and in essence this Greek deity can deny laws of celestial validity and inevitable requital.
Artemis, Hecate and Persephone possess knowledge of three moiraes by means of hesperides Arethusa and Hesperia who correspond to number 2 and lunar eclipses.
Hecate is goddess who connects men and women, and consequently she predetermines destiny.
Persephone is capable to release people from divine laws of requital, because this goddess of Greek myths is queen of lifeless empire of death.
Artemis is mythological goddess whose arrows are killing for culprits of unjustified death of alive essences.
Athena possesses knowledge of all moiraes and hesperides, because this goddess corresponds to central number 5 of Pythagorean numerology.
Sacred plant of Athena is olive which in the Ancient Greece was considered as tree of destiny.
Hera and Leto possess knowledge only one moirae Lachesis who corresponds to number 4.
Hera by own will initiated matrimonial attitudes with Zeus, and as a result she became great mother of Olympic gods.
Leto is mother of Apollo and Artemis, and consequently this goddess of Greek myths possesses celestial information on future time by means of children.
Zeus, Hades, Poseidon and Demeter possess knowledge only one moirae Atropos who corresponds to Pythagorean number 6.
Demeter grants terrestrial prosperity as award for decency and good heartedness.
Poseidon is the reason of earthquakes and sea storms, namely natural cataclysms which are severe penalties for callousness and malicious customs.
Zeus and Hades weighs affairs of people on golden weights after end of terrestrial life.
Supreme Olympic gods can punish or remunerate, but cannot predetermine affairs and acts of people. Because Supreme Olympic gods of Greek myths cannot rule over moiraes which are offspring of Nyx and descendants of Chaos who do not submit to their divine will.
Therefore Zeus has taken titaness Themis as wife, and as a result there were born goddesses Dike and Astrea who together with mother became analogues of three moiraes.
To number 4 there corresponds goddess Astrea who specifies positions of stars at birth moment of human person.
To number 5 there corresponds titaness Themis who is personification of fairness or objective justice.
Pay attention that Themis corresponds with zodiacal sign where dominating is astrological planet whose symbol is similar to figure 5.
Also pay attention that union of Zeus with Themis corresponds to number 11 which symbolizes potential opportunity for transformation of discrete matter of organic bodies and integral unity of polar mental functions of human consciousness, and consequently there were born goddesses which are equivalents of moiraes.

To number 6 there corresponds goddess Dike who is criterion of ideal divine perfection according to which human souls can to avoid fire of Hades and to appear in celestial space of air elements after death of organic bodies.
Also as a result of conjugal union of Zeus with Themis there were born goddesses Eirene and Eunomia who became similar to sisters hesperides.
To number 2 there corresponds goddess Eunomia who personifies favor or refutation of antipathy.
To number 8 there corresponds goddess Eirene who personifies peace or statement of sympathy.
Philosophers of orphic philosophical school of Ancient Greece considered that mother of moiraes and hesperides is goddess Ananke who personifies natural predetermination of world events. But actually Greek goddess Ananke personifies celestial existential continuum which has resulted from movement of light and caused occurrence of twelve signs of zodiac. Namely existential continuum which has predetermined origin of male and female titans.
Ananke weaves together strings of twelve titans and titanesses, namely this goddess of Greek myths exists in the center of universe and rotates celestial spindle which symbolizes central world axis, but original mother of moiraes is Nyx or initial movement of light.
It is possible to tell that goddess Ananke is image of Hemera and obvious space, also prototype of Themis who personifies objective justice and is common property of Supreme Olympic gods. But mythological goddess Nyx is personification of unobvious space and mother of moiraes who carry out divine law of absolute validity and do not submit to will of Supreme Olympic gods.
Because first being in sequence of four primary adolescents of Chaos was Erebus who keeps primordial immovability. And second being was Nyx who personifies initial unobvious movement of light and occurrence of cosmic space which became objective when Hemera has appeared, and then became infinite when there was appearance of Aether and there was creation of ethereal reality of universe.
More detailed information about sequence of primary adolescents of Chaos, also relations of three moiraes and four hesperides with strings or threads of destiny and psycho-physiological fabrics of human souls I shall try to publish in the future.
Number 9 - Nemesis.
Nemesis is Greek goddess of not prejudiced justification that is alternative for prejudiced accusation which is mythological principle of Momus.
Nemesis and Momus play roles of lawyer or advocate and public prosecutor, but this deities of Greek myths are not officers of law resolutions because they are not moiraes.
Second name or epithet of Nemesis is Adrastea, that corresponds to denomination of moirae Atropos or Adrathos who corresponds to number 6 and personifies celestial law of inevitable requital. However Nemesis is not moirae and consequently her divine punishment is nominal, namely this goddess of Greek myths does not aspire to revenge or justice, but personifies inevitable triumph of validity as a result of remorse pangs of conscience and repentances.
Nemesis alongside with Eris exists within Olympic hierarchical structure of Ancient Greece though she is offspring of Nyx and descendant of Chaos.
Number 3 - Hypnos.
Hypnos is mythological deity of sleep and dreams, that corresponds to number 3 and characteristics of Hermes who is divine reason of prophetic vision by means of magic golden staff or miraculous caduceus.
Dreams of Hypnos are doubtful and cannot be actual, because only moiraes possess original knowledge about future events. But however Hypnos can send people prophetic dreams as Hermes has received magic golden caduceus from Apollo who possesses gift of mystical enlightenment and prediction of future events owing to hesperides.
Number 7 - Thanatos.
Thanatos is mythological deity of death or otherwise to tell eternal sleep, that is alternative to dreams of Hypnos.
Geographic direction of underground empire of dead in space of ethereal reality is at west, that corresponds to number 7 which in the context of Pythagorean numerology corresponds with heptagonal geometrical figure and symbolizes eternity which can be perceived as infinite longevity or death.
Pay attention that Thanatos and Hypnos, also Nemesis and Eris, namely offspring of Nyx are connected with numbers 1, 3, 7, 9 which are commensurable with hesperides.
Hesperia or disappearing - Thanatos.
Aegle or illuminate - Hypnos.
Arethusa or admiring - Nemesis.
Erytheia or bewitching - Eris.
Or pay attention that Momus and Thanatos are interconnected by relationships of cause and effect, because prejudiced accusation or self-condemnation are reasons of death. Also Nemesis and Hypnos are interconnected by complex relationships of cause and effect, because remorse pangs of conscience and dreams are interdependent mental phenomena of human consciousness.
Therefore not only moiraes and hesperides are fatal deities, but general set of twelve providential or fatalistic offspring of Greek goddess Nyx is celestial conglomerate of divine essences which form destiny of human person.
After occurrence of Aether and realization of ethereal reality alongside with twelve primary also there were secondary offspring generation of Nyx.
Also her siblings Aether, Hemera and Erebus at realization of ethereal reality became parents of diverse divine essences which began to exist as descendants of four primary adolescents of Chaos.

Following page describes chthonic and theriomorphic divine essences, also animalistic creatures which from the view point of ancient Greek myths are reasons for existence of alive organic matter in space of physical reality of universe.

