numerology and Greek myths

mathematical mythology

Page 5.


Pythagorean numerology and Greek mythology


Pythagorean numerology and Greek mythology.
The fifth page describes mythological characteristics of Greek gods which correspond with Pythagorean numerological numbers 3 and 9.
Also fifth page gives information on mystical values or esoteric meanings of numerological numbers or decimal digits 10 and 11.

Information of this page can be actual not only for people who are interested in Pythagorean numerology and Greek mythology, or studying of esoteric philosophical conceptions of ancient nations and civilizations, or mystical theories of modern occultism and theosophy, but also for researchers who are engaged in understanding of cosmological laws and principles of astrology, because mythological gods of Olympic pantheon and numerological numbers correspond to mathematical ratios and geometrical configurations of heavenly bodies in solar system.


Numerology and gods of Greek mythology.
Pythagorean numerological numbers 3 and 9.

Hermes or deity of Greek mythology in heavenly sphere of gods Hermes - number 3.
Hermes is son of Zeus and mountain nymph Maia whose name corresponds to denomination of third month May in the Roman calendar.
Hermes is divine cosmic intermediary between three worlds or realms of universe, namely this deity of Greek mythology exists in heavenly sphere of gods but can be shown among people in space of physical reality, or can be descended in underground empire of death.
Hermes carries out function of messenger or herald who informs people will of gods, also he is divine conductor of human souls in underground empire of death.
Hermes sends people prophetic dreams or otherwise to tell fatal vision of sleeps in which he displays celestial will of gods.
Hermes instructs people to solve disputes and choose variants for development of future events by means of casting lots, also he teaches occult rules of fortune-telling divinations or principles of mantic arts which allow to guess destiny by means of symbols and signs, and in particular by means of conjectural stones which in the context of Greek mythology and language of Ancient Greece had denomination Threes or Frees.
Also Hermes is inventor of fortunetelling cards and card-reading, because in the context of modern occult philosophy there is information that images of 22 major Arcanas of divinatory Tarot origin from ancient Egypt and Egyptian mythological god Thoth who is identical with this Greek deity.

Hermes is artful and dexterous, also perspicacious and sharp.
Hermes helps in travels and trips, also he sends people successful coincidences and happy results of casual events.
Hermes prompts correct ideas and true actions, but also he is capable to deceive.
Hermes has propensity to trickery and assignment of another's things.
Hermes has musical abilities, and he has created seven-stringed lyre which has presented to Apollo in exchange for magical gold staff or otherwise to tell miraculous caduceus which possesses magic features.
Owing to magic features of miraculous caduceus this god of Greek mythology owns mantic arts and can foresee future events. Namely miraculous caduceus initiates dreams of consciousness or unconscious fantasies, and as a result in ideas there are images or speculative omens of future events.
Therefore mantic abilities of Hermes differ from inspired prophecies and previsions of Apollo, or from conjectural forecasts of Prometheus who predicts future events by means of logic conclusions. Also mantic abilities of Hermes differ from magical resources of Hecate who is capable to anticipate and foretell future events involuntarily or otherwise to tell intuitively.
Hermes is acute and is able to read ideas, and consequently he is intelligent expert on secrets and secret affairs, namely this god of Greek mythology possesses covert information which people hide or conceal.
Hi is intelligent patron of secret societies and confidential organizations, also esoteric doctrines and occult mysteries.
Modern occultism and in particular so-called occult hermetic philosophy exist under protection of Hermes.
Magic staff or miraculous caduceus of Hermes is mystical symbol of occultism. But this magic staff casts dreams, and in essence is miraculous reason for insinuations of consciousness or otherwise to tell mental imaginations which are not original esoteric knowledge.

Hermes is divine founder of alchemy, namely mystical science about transformation of mercury into gold and creation of fairy elixir of eternal youth. Because basic book of occult hermetic philosophy and alchemy is Secret Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus.
But actually in the Emerald Tablet there is no concrete information about transmutation of mercury into gold and miraculous eternal youth, and consequently Hermes possesses imaginary knowledge of alchemy. But original esoteric knowledge about alchemical features of material substance of universe and eternal youth of organic human bodies belongs to Prometheus and goddess Hebe who correspond with Pythagorean number 7 and geometrical figure of heptagon where proportions of infinite mathematical sizes are fixed, that is mystical symbol of eternity.
Prometheus is mythological god of open scientific ideas and educations, because he has taken fire in smithy workshop of Hephaestus and has brought to people, but Hermes loves secret mystical knowledge and occult treatises where mysterious symbols are represented, also intricate logic conclusions which can be considered as intellectual mystifications or puzzles and riddles.
Hermes aspires to knowledge about astronomical movement of heavenly bodies and cosmic laws of universe, but he cannot carry out astrological forecasts and prognoses. Because divine consciousness of Hermes has other psycho-physiological parameters rather than celestial reason of Prometheus who is intellectual expert on astrology as was born as son of titan Iapetus and brother of Atlas.
Hermes releases people from mutual relations, because this deity of Greek mythology is divine conductor to empire of death, that differs from love magic of Hecate who creates ties of human relative attitudes.
Hermes in Roman mythology is equivalent of Mercury who was deity of trade and commercial benefit.
Roman mythological Mercury was accompanied by Fortune who is goddess of happiness and good luck.
Alongside with Hermes with number 3 in the context of Pythagorean numerology there corresponds goddess Iris about whom Greek mythology has no enough information, but it is known that she is sister of winged harpies who abduct human souls. Also Iris is Greek mythological goddess who informs Supreme Olympic gods about ideas of people, namely she is denouncer or secret informer by means of whom Zeus possesses information about covert desires and veiled expectations of each person.

Aphrodite as Greek goddess of love and beauty from blood of Uranus Aphrodite - number 9.
Aphrodite is Greek goddess of love and beauty.
Aphrodite is most older than other Olympic gods as she has appeared from blood of Uranus who in aggregate with Eros and other primary potentialities of universe is celestial source of love energy which penetrates all world.
But Aphrodite is eternally young, also she is accompanied by nice and invariable youthful charites.
People and gods are subordinated to love influence of Aphrodite, but except Athena also light images of Artemis and Hecate who are virgin goddesses.
Aphrodite is goddess of erotic love unlike Hera or dark images of Artemis and Hecate whose sensual desires and feelings are caused by physiological aspiration for childbirth, or by striving for matrimonial union of woman with man for considerable social status and genetic continuation of generations.
Divine love of Aphrodite is not caused by social instincts and consequently pacifies wild animals, also reconciles conflicts among people.


Greek mythology knows two goddesses by name of Aphrodite.
One is celestial Aphrodite Urania who was born from energy of Uranus and is commonwealth property of all gods, also personification of love which can be reached by people or mythological deities only in the event of aspiration to absolute divine perfection.
Second is public or Aphrodite Pandemos who was born as daughter of Zeus and oceanid Dione, namely personification of love which can be accessible to all people and gods.
Name of oceanid Dione is conformable for mythological denomination of Dionysus who is Greek god of winemaking and creativity which is caused by kastalides or ancient muses who was born from Uranus and in essence are daughters of Aphrodite Urania.
Also one of nine Olympic muses or pierides has name Urania, that corresponds to denomination of Aphrodite Urania.
Therefore it is possible to tell that Aphrodite in the context of Greek mythology is combination or mirror display of two images of one goddess, that corresponds to mystical value and esoteric principle of number 9 in the context of Pythagorean numerology. Because number 9 is numerological symbol of love which extends on all universe as universal feeling, namely can be noble but also can be vulgar or otherwise to tell pejorative.
Therefore celestial Aphrodite Urania is mythological goddess of perfect love.
But public Pandemos or according to name of mother Aphrodite Dione in the context of Greek mythology is goddess of love which is caused by sensual desires and pleasures.
Aphrodite Dione wears beautiful expensive clothes and jewelry.
Aphrodite Dione wakens love desires in people and gods, also she helps loving pairs and pursues those who rejects or refuses mutual love.
Husband of Aphrodite Dione is Hephaestus who is ugliest god, that is caused by will of Supreme Olympic gods. Because counteraction to laws of stable world harmony is peculiar to number 7 and Hephaestus according to rules of Pythagorean numerology. But number 9 and harmonious beauty of Aphrodite Dione compensate counteraction.
Aphrodite not only inspires loving feelings but falls in love herself, and consequently she is unfaithful to own husband.
As a result of illegitimate or extramarital affair of Aphrodite with Ares there were born Erotus or amorous infant and Harmonia or maiden of concord, but also Deimos or terror and Phobos or horror.
As a result of extramarital affair of Aphrodite with Dionysus there was born Hymenaeus who personifies legitimate marriage union of man and woman.
Or in the context of Greek mythology there is information that Hymenaeus was born because of love affair of Apollo with muse Polyhymnia who is personification of solemn poetic hymns.
As a result of extramarital affair of Aphrodite with Hermes there was born Hermaphroditus who possessed extraordinary beauty, but he refused love of nymph Salmacis that has denied numerological principle of number 9. And consequently Aphrodite has connected Hermaphroditus with Salmacis in one bisexual divine essence, that corresponds to mystical meanings of numerological numbers 2 and 9 which form in sum digital value 11. Namely mathematical combination of two units which symbolize unitary connection or composition of two divine essences which form uniform deity. Because Hermaphroditus as son of Aphrodite has ratio with number 9, and nymph Salmacis as satellite of Artemis corresponds to number 2.
Aphrodite herself too wished to create uniform unitary connection with Adonis who corresponds to numerological number 2 as has been reared by Persephone. But this connection has not been realized because ratio of Aphrodite with numerological number 9 is necessary for heavenly hierarchy of Olympic gods.
In particular opponents for connection of Aphrodite with Adonis were Ares plus Apollo plus Artemis, because these Greek gods of Olympic pantheon correspond with Pythagorean numbers which form in sum digital value 11.
Aphrodite has been recognized as the most beautiful goddess as a result of dispute which has been initiated by Eris. Namely Eris has given for Athena, Hera and Aphrodite one apple which intended for the most beautiful female deity, and as a result Paris has been chosen as true judge which estimated beauty of three goddesses. Because Paris possessed universal beauty which was bewitching from view points of each of three goddesses.
Aphrodite has won dispute as promised for Paris possession of Helen who was the most beautiful woman among people. Unlike promise of Hera who offered for Paris regal greatness and superiority over all terrestrial tsars. Also unlike promise of Athena who offered bravery and heroism.
It is possible to assume that Paris in the context of Greek mythology corresponds to number 2, and consequently he has chosen Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess, also has chosen Helen as the most bewitching woman who corresponds with Pythagorean numerological number 9, because digital value 11 can be formed in sum.
Greek Aphrodite is identical to Roman Venus whose name means "favor of gods".
Alongside with Aphrodite and Adonis other gods of Olympic pantheon too can create unitary connections which correspond to number 11. Only Ares and Eris cannot create unitary connections, and consequently in the context of Greek mythology they are antagonistic deities.
Eris is goddess who in myths of Ancient Greece is considered as loving partner of Ares, and therefore she denies love affairs with any other gods, because conjugal union of these divine essences forms combination of two units which can be considered as imaginary number 11.
But actually as a result of conjugal union of Eris with Ares can not be formed original number 11 which symbolizes unitary connection according to which psycho-physiological parameters of divine essences can make uniform compositions. And in essence can be commensurable with psycho-physiological parameters of people in case of mystical reunion of Eve with Adam, namely as a result of uniform composition of woman with man, that realizes immortality which is described in the Gospel of Phillip in 71st paragraph.
"When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death came into being. If he enters again and attains his former self, death will be no more".
Because integration of mental functions of right and left hemispheres of human brain can be real as a result of unitary connection of woman with man. Namely integration of polar mental functions of human consciousness and transformation of discrete material substance of universe, and as a result immortality of people can be real.
Therefore mythological gods of Olympic pantheon were opponents for connection of Aphrodite with Adonis. Also Olympic gods of Greek mythology were adversaries for creation of any other unitary connections which correspond to number 11, that immortality of people could not be real.
In particular in the context of Greek mythology there is no information about conjugal unions of goddess Iris with Apollo or Dionysus, namely about combinations of divine essences which correspond to numbers 3 and 8.
Also in the context of Greek mythology there is no information about conjugal unions of Prometheus with goddesses Hera or Leto, namely about combinations of divine essences which correspond to numbers 7 and 4.
Also in the context of Greek mythology there is no information about conjugal unions of Zeus or Poseidon with Athena, namely about combinations of divine essences which correspond to numerological numbers 6 and 5.
Unitary connection of divine essences which correspond to numerological numbers 6 and 5 has been realized only in one case when as a result of conjugal union of Zeus with a Themis there was appearance of goddesses which are equivalent of hesperides and moiraes.
Look information about hesperides and moiraes on following page in this section of website.
Also only once unitary connection of divine essences which correspond to numerological numbers 9 and 2 has been realized. Namely goddess Aphrodite has connected own son Hermaphroditus with nymph Salmacis, but this connection was not correct because uniform composition of two deities was not formed, but there was bisexual divine essence. Because unitary connections which correspond to numerological number 11 are unacceptable for gods of Olympic pantheon.
Also such unitary connections are complex for people, because combinations of numbers 2+9, 3+8, 4+7, 5+6 are not harmonious in the context of Pythagorean numerology.
But however people can create conjugal combinations which correspond to number 11, or otherwise to tell matrimonial compositions in which unitary connection of woman with man can be realized, that became possible after Resurrection of Jesus Christ and was not real before beginning of New Era when Greek poets and philosophers created mythology of Ancient Greece.
Because transformation of world laws was realized after Resurrection of Jesus Christ and beginning of New Era. Namely there was realized possible integral unity of fundamental world elements and primary potentialities which form structure of universe. Also there was realized possible integral unity of polar mental functions of right and left hemispheres of human brain, and as a result potential possibility for transformation of discrete physical matter of organic bodies and immortality of people. And in essence potential possibility for integral unity of woman with man, that is written in the Revelation to Saint John in 19th chapter.
"I heard something like the voice of a great multitude, and like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of mighty thunders, saying, Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns! Let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad, and let us give the glory to him. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready."
Also it is written in the Gospel of Phillip in 78th paragraph.
"If the woman had not separated from the man, she should not die with the man. His separation became the beginning of death. Because of this, Christ came to repair the separation, which was from the beginning, and again unite the two, and to give life to those who died as a result of the separation, and unite them."
The reason of division of man and woman, also occurrence of discrete material substance of universe and polar mental functions of human consciousness were Supreme Olympic gods who exist according to laws of stable world harmony. Namely according to harmonious parities of fundamental world elements and primary potentialities which form structure of universe, that corresponds to number 10 and differs from mystical value of number 11.
Transformation of discrete matter of organic human bodies as a result of integral unity of polar mental functions of human consciousness is real in one case, that corresponds to number 11. And in the second case there is stabilization of discrete matter according to harmonious parities of fundamental world elements and primary potentialities of universe, that corresponds to number 10 which symbolizes coordination or balance of divine essences of Olympic pantheon of Ancient Greece.
Athena in the context of Greek mythology is virgin goddess, namely she denies conjugal unions with other gods, that corresponds to harmonious parity of numbers 5 and 5.
Ares and Aphrodite in the context of Greek mythology are parents of Harmony who personifies coordination and balance of contrast psychological characteristics of angry god of war and charming goddess of love, that corresponds to harmonious parity of numbers 1 and 9.
Artemis and Apollo in the context of Greek mythology are twins, that corresponds to harmonious parity of numerological numbers 2 and 8.
Hermes and Hephaestus in the context of Greek mythology are considered as creators of Pandora who possessed proportional complex of positive and negative qualities of all gods of Olympic pantheon. Namely Hephaestus has created body of Pandora of water and grounds, and Hermes has placed divine fire and spirit of life in corporal shape, that corresponds to harmonious parity of numbers 3 and 7.
Hera in the context of Greek mythology is main or paramount wife of Zeus, that corresponds to harmonious parity of numbers 4 and 6.
Matrimonial attitudes of Hera and Zeus in the context of religious philosophy of Ancient Greece were the symbol of Sacred or Holy Marriage or universal union of sky with ground, or absolute balance and perfect harmony of universe. Therefore number 10 too can be considered as numerological symbol of Holy Marriage and absolute perfect harmony, that differs from integral unity of woman with man, namely is other philosophical conception in comparison with mystical value of number 11.
Numbers 10 and 11 are extraordinary for nine signs of Pythagorean numerology, but they are digital symbols which designate superior extents of number 1. Namely numbers 10 and 11 symbolize logic combinations according to which  personalities of gods or human individualities can be autonomous, or can be generalized.
1 - autonomous personalities of gods or human individualities.
10 - harmonious coordination of two personalities of gods or human individualities, or Hierogamy.
11 - integral unity of two personalities of gods or human individualities, or Syzygy.

Following page considers goddess Athena who corresponds with number 5 of Pythagorean numerology as central figure in pantheon of Olympic gods of ancient Greek myths.

