numerology of gods

mathematical numbers

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primary potentialities and titans of Greek mythology


Primary potentialities and titans of Greek mythology.
The first page describes esoteric concepts of Pythagorean numerology and Greek philosophy. Also first page describes primary potentialities of universe and parities of celestial titans in myths of Ancient Greece with astrological zodiacal signs.

Information of this page can be essential not only for people who are interested by occult esoteric knowledge and mystical numerology, but also for astrologers. Because information on parities of titans of Greek mythology with zodiacal signs is new and is absent in other informational sources.
Also information on five mythological primary potentialities of universe is new and is absent in other sources.


Philosophy and myths of Ancient Greece.
Pythagorean numerology and Greek mythology.

The numerology is a science about mystical semantic values which correspond to numbers in a context of occult philosophy, also correspond with characteristics of human personality from the view point of astrology and anthropology. It is possible to tell that numerology is a complex of knowledge about mystical semantic values which are connected with numbers and define psychological parameters of human personality, also are connected with movement of time and destinies of people.
Numbers from the view point of numerology are considered not only as arithmetic signs which allow to carry out mathematical calculations of geometrical or physical sizes of world reality, but also as abstract mystical symbols which are designations of phenomenal parameters of structural elements of universe in which there are people.
Modern notions about numerology and mystical values of numbers are derivatives of ancient knowledge, namely derivatives of philosophical concepts and myths of archaic civilizations of last time, and in particular ancient Greek philosophy and mythology.
The founder of numerology in the Ancient Greece was Pythagoras who has brought knowledge about mystical values of numbers to Greece from the east. Therefore numerology of Pythagoras is interconnected with philosophical concepts and myths which were a basis of outlook and culture of many other ancient nations and civilizations. But however traditional notions about numbers as about mystical symbols in the context of modern European culture are connected with Greek myths and classical philosophy of Ancient Greece, namely are derivatives of Pythagorean numerology. It is possible to tell that basic source of knowledge about mystical values of numbers from the view point of modern European culture is Pythagorean numerology.
This section of website considers numerology which is based on philosophy and myths of Ancient Greece, and consequently philosophical concepts and mythological systems of other world nations are not considered. In particular mystical concepts of Chinese numerology or esoteric knowledge about numbers in the context of ancient Indian philosophy are not considered.
Read information about Chinese numerology on pages of other website in section where numbers are compared with physiognomic features of human face.
Information on numbers of Indian numerological system I shall try to publish in the future on pages of this website in sections which will be named as Geo-Numerology or Meta-Mathematics.

Knowledge about numbers within philosophical school of Pythagoras were secret or esoteric, also open or exoteric.
Exoteric or open were knowledge about ratio of numerological numbers with orbits of planets in solar system and harmony of heavenly spheres in cosmic space. Such exoteric information in the Pythagorean school was open for all members and was kept in books of philosophers who were followers and pupils of Pythagoras.
In particular open exoteric knowledge about numerical and mathematical harmony of cosmic space were kept in ancient books of Greek philosopher Philolaus who has described key mystical ideas and basic philosophical concepts of Pythagorean numerology.
Also Pythagoreans or otherwise to tell followers of Pythagoras there were many other Greek philosophers whose mystical ideas and concepts became a source of many scientific doctrines of contemporary philosophy.
But knowledge about ratio of numerological numbers with psychological parameters and destinies of people, and in essence about parities of numbers with hierarchy of mythological gods of Ancient Greece within philosophical school of Pythagoras were esoteric or secret.
Therefore there are no books or other written certificates on original mystical values according to which numbers in the context of Pythagorean numerology corresponded to psychological parameters of people and characteristics of gods. But for understanding of lost esoteric concepts of Pythagorean numerology it is possible to realize interrelations according to which numbers and gods form joint hierarchical structure, and in essence complex system of psychological images which are described in myths of Ancient Greece, namely in books of Greek philosophers and poets who were founders of mythology.
Chronological sequence of world occurrence according to myths and legends of Ancient Greece begins from five primary potentialities of universe, that is shown on the chart.

mythological gods of Ancient Greece and philosophical school of Pythagoras The beginning of chronological sequence is Chaos who in the context of Greek philosophy and mythology personifies absence of structure or otherwise to tell primary unstructured condition of matter.
Then owing to Eros or energy of creation there was arising of Gaia who personifies presence of structure or otherwise to tell structural matter of universe.
Then Tartarus or energy of destruction makes annihilation or extermination of structural matter.
Or owing to Uranus there can be re-structuring and modification of structural mater, and in particular there can be occurrence of new substantial forms of material life.
Namely structural mater after destruction by Tartarus becomes as Chaos, or owing to Uranus there can be re-structuring and creation of new substantial forms of material life.

Primary potentialities of universe of Greek mythology within the shown chart correspond to five substances of Chinese philosophy, but conformity is not identical. Because five substances in the context of Chinese philosophy form spatial pentagon, but primary potentialities of Greek mythology can be located as quadrangular geometrical figure which is shown on the following chart.

numbers of Pythagorean numerology and psychological parameters of people Chaos and Gaia within quadrangular geometrical figure form diagonal line of matter which can be unstructured or structural.
Eros and Tartarus form diagonal line of energy which can be creative or destructive.
Also substances of Chinese philosophy in the shown quadrangular geometrical figure form diagonals of energy and matter.
Water and ground correspond with material substance of universe.
Metal and fire correspond with energetic potential of universe.
Uranus in the center of quadrangle personifies re-structuring of matter and occurrence of new substantial forms of material life.
Also tree in the center of quadrangle symbolizes re-structuring of matter and occurrence of new substantial forms, or otherwise to tell updating of material substance of universe.
Pay attention that central tree among five substances in the context of Chinese philosophy is unique substance which symbolizes organic or alive matter. Therefore substantial tree corresponds to Uranus and means occurrence of life as a result of re-structuring of material substance of universe.

Gaia or structural matter in the union with Uranus has generated six male titans who in the context of Greek mythology are Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Cronus. Also Gaia in the union with Uranus has generated six female titans or titanesses which are Tethys, Phoebe, Mnemosyne, Theia, Themis, Rhea.
Male and female titans have formed the existential continuum of world reality, and in essence became prototypes of astrological circle of twelve zodiacal signs which symbolize movement of time and reference points of global space within which energy was carried out and there was real material substance of primary potentialities of universe, that is shown on the following chart.

male and female titans as prototypes of astrological circle of twelve zodiacal signs

Arrows on the chart show matrimonial attitudes of male and female titans.
Symbols near to names of titans specify astrological planets which dominate and exalts in zodiacal signs.
Look information about zodiacal positions of dominating and exalting astrological planets on pages of other website


Names of zodiac signs and constellations have Egyptian origin, but are equivalent to images of divine essences of Greek mythology, because astrology and myths of Ancient Greece have been interconnected with astrological knowledge of Egypt.
Coeus and Phoebe - Leo and Crab.
Coeus and Phoebe are parents of Leto and Asteria.
Also Coeus and Phoebe are primogenitors of Apollo, Artemis, Hecate who in the context of Greek mythology personify astronomical compositions of Moon and Sun in cosmic space of heavenly sphere.
Therefore Coeus and Phoebe correspond with zodiacal signs Leo and Crab where Sun and Moon are dominating heavenly bodies from the view point of astrology.
Hyperion and Theia - Aries and Taurus.
Hyperion and Theia are parents of Helios, Selene, Eos which in the context of Greek mythology personify solar and lunar light.
Helios is dazzling and radiant personification of sunlight.
Selene is personification of moonlight.
Eos is personification of dawn or early sunlight which arises above horizon together with morning star which is the planet Venus.
Therefore Hyperion corresponds with zodiacal sign Aries where Sun is exalting heavenly body. And Theia or Feia corresponds with zodiacal sign Taurus where astrological planet Venus dominates, and where Moon is exalting heavenly body.
In myths there is information that Theia is a beloved of Oceanus, because Venus dominates in two zodiacal signs Taurus and Libra according to rules of astrology.
Oceanus and Tethys - Libra and Scorpio.
Oceanus and Tethys are parents of numerous oceanids which were spouses of many gods.
In particular Oceanus and Tethys are parents of Metis who was a wife of Zeus.
Oceanus is peaceful deity who did not participate in struggle of titans against Olympic gods.
Also Oceanus tried to reconcile Zeus with Prometheus, but this male titan often quarrels with own wife. Because Oceanus and Tethys correspond with zodiacal signs Libra and Scorpio where dominating planets are Venus and Mars. Namely Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Libra from the view point of astrology are planetary combinations according to which imperious woman rules over peaceful man, and as a result there are domestic conflicts.
Oceanus has not been thrown in Tartarus and has kept high social status among Olympic gods.
Place of stay and house of Oceanus are in the extreme West, that confirms by parity with zodiacal sign Libra which within astrological circle corresponds with western reference point of world space.
Crius and Mnemosyne - Gemini and Pisces.
Crius and Mnemosyne are parents of muses who are female deities of art and inspiration.
Crius allocates muses with skilful words that there corresponds to characteristics of planet Mercury which dominates over zodiacal sign Gemini.
Mnemosyne allocates muses with poetic inspiration that there corresponds to characteristics of planet Neptune which dominates over zodiacal sign Pisces. Also Mnemosyne allocates muses with grace, because Pisces are sign of zodiac where exalting position belongs to planet Venus which from the view point of astrology is celestial symbol of beauty and charm.
Crius and Mnemosyne became parents of ancient muses who are aonides and retinues of Dionysus.
Aonides live on mountain Helicon.
When Crius has been thrown in Tartarus then Mnemosyne became beloved of Zeus and has given birth of nine Olympic muses who are pierides and retinues of Apollo.
Pierides live on mountain Parnassus.
Also Mnemosyne became beloved Poseidon and has given birth to muses who are hippocrenides and retinues of Apollo.
Hippocrenides live on mountain Helicon.
Also there are ancient muses or kastalides which are daughters of Aphrodite Urania and retinues of Dionysus.
Kastalides live on mountain Parnassus.
Mnemosyne in the context of Greek mythology is personification of memory, and consequently muses possess knowledge of past time, also realize present chronology and anticipate future events which can see by inspirited or inspired consciousness.
Crius outside of matrimonial attitudes with Mnemosyne before overthrow in Tartarus there was divine ancestor of three sons which are Astraeus, Perses and Pallas.
Perses in matrimonial union with Asteria the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe became ancestor of goddess Hecate.
Pallas in matrimonial union with oceanid Styx became divine ancestor of four winged deities which personify mental qualities predetermining solemn pleasure of success and majestic triumph of glory, namely Zelos - eagerness, Bia - power, Kratos - authority, Nike - victory.
Iapetus and Themis - Aquarius and Capricorn.
Iapetus and Themis are parents of Prometheus and Epimetheus, and consequently correspond with zodiacal signs Aquarius and Capricorn where dominating planets are Uranus and Saturn which according to rules of astrology are symbols of consciousness.
Because Prometheus and Epimetheus personify consciousness in the context of Greek mythology.
Prometheus is similar to father Iapetus and has astrological properties of planet Uranus, as the god of perspicacious consciousness or preliminary reason.
Epimetheus is similar to mother Themis and has astrological properties of planet Saturn, as the god who realizes events after realization.
It is necessary to consider that Uranus is the name of planet in astrology, also is denomination of central deity among five primary potentialities of universe in the context of Greek mythology.
Iapetus because of resistance to Olympic gods has been thrown in Tartarus, and after Themis became wife of Zeus for personification of validity and justice, that there corresponds to astrological characteristics of planet Saturn.
Themis outside of matrimonial attitudes with Iapetus became mother of Astrea who is the goddess predetermining celestial position of planets at birth dates of people.
Iapetus outside of matrimonial attitudes with Themis became the parent of Atlas who in the context of Greek mythology can be considered as personification of astrology and astronomy. Because Atlas is compelled to hold heavenly arch on shoulders.
The muse of astrology and astronomy in the context of Greek mythology has name Urania, also Atlas is the son of titan Iapetus who in celestial space of astrological circle corresponds to zodiacal sign Aquarius where planet Uranus is dominating.
Therefore it is possible to assume that Uranus as central deity of five primary potentialities of universe in space of astrological circle has projection on zodiacal sign Aquarius.

Cronus and Rhea - Sagittarius and Virgo.
Cronus and Rhea are parents of Supreme Olympic gods.
Cronus was king of Golden Age and main ruler among titans, and consequently corresponds to zodiacal sign Sagittarius where dominating planet is Jupiter which symbolizes imperial regalia, or otherwise to tell majestic ambitions and high social status.
But then Cronus was overthrown by Zeus and thrown in Tartarus, and since then this male titan of Greek myths personifies relentless time and destiny which does not spare even gods. Namely Cronus from the view point of astrology corresponds with gloomy and strict planet Saturn which dominates in other zodiacal sign.
Cronus was younger brother among titans, but he has united all by common idea and became the main ruler. Because Cronus has sterilized Uranus, and has in essence stopped uncontrollable re-structuring of matter and occurrence of new substantial forms of material life which arose before when first generation of divine essences dominated over celestial space of universe. Namely Cronus has seized power of Uranus or in other words began to supervise re-structuring of matter, and as a result five primary potentialities of universe have ceased to be essential, but twelve titans have formed second generation of divine essences which began to carry out creation of new substantial forms of material life.
As a result in celestial space of universe there was third generation of divine essences which in the context of Greek mythology have common name titanids as were born as children of twelve male and female titans.
Coeus and Phoebe - Leto and Asteria.
Hyperion and Theia - Helios, Selene, Eos.
Oceanus and Tethys - oceanids and naiads.
Crius and Mnemosyne - muses aonides.
Mnemosyne without Crius - muses pierides and hippocrenides.
Crius without Mnemosyne - Astraeus, Perses and Pallas.
Iapetus and Themis - Prometheus and Epimetheus.
Iapetus without Themis - Atlas and Menoetius.
Themis without Iapetus - Dike and Astrea, also Eirene and Eunomia.
Cronus and Rhea - Supreme Olympic gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia, Hera.
Cronus without Rhea - centaur Chiron.
Rhea without Cronus - Cybele.
Rhea in the union with Cronus became mother of Supreme Olympic gods which became dominating in celestial space of universe, that is equivalent of Gaia who in the union with Uranus has generated titans.
Therefore Rhea there corresponds to zodiacal constellation Virgo which according to rules of astrology symbolizes protogenetic or otherwise to tell breeding mother-ground, and actually is image of primary matter which is a basic substance of all alive essences.
Also mythological centaur Chiron is son of Cronus, but was born without participation of Rhea, that there corresponds to domination of astrological planet Chiron in zodiacal sign Virgo and exalting position in zodiacal sign Sagittarius.
Rhea has been revolted by matrimonial incorrectness of Cronus, and consequently Supreme Olympic gods have begun struggle against titans which have been thrown in Tartarus.
As a result hierarchical alliance of Supreme Olympic gods have created new structure of universe, namely began to exist on mountain Olympus and have formed new hierarchy which is not connected with zodiacal signs and planets in cosmic space of astrological circle but corresponds with nine numerological numbers which form magic square.
Some male and female titans have remained among Olympic gods, because as a result of struggle have not been thrown in Tartarus, and consequently there was common hierarchical conglomerate in which different generations of divine essences exist and creat new substantial forms of material life.
Namely there was new complex divine hierarchy in which Olympic gods alongside with titans correspond to twelve zodiacal signs and planets in cosmic space of astrological circle, also correspond to magic square of nine numbers of Pythagorean numerology.
Look information about magic Pythagorean square of nine numerological numbers on 8th page in this section of website.

Following page describes mythological gods who correspond to numbers 6 and 4 of Pythagorean numerology, also global qualities which are introduced in universe by Olympic gods of Ancient Greece.

