psychology of gods

types of psychology

Page 5.

magic square and charts of psychological types


Magic square and charts of psychological types.
The fifth page shows analytical charts according to which mythological gods of Ancient Greece and numerological numbers correspond with mental functions of sixteen psychological types of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and socionics of Augustinavichjute, also typological indicator of Myers-Briggs.


Analytical charts of psychological types.
Magic square of human personality.

Psychological types or psycho-types of human personality according to rules of socionics or socionical principles of Augustinavichjute are complex combinations of mental functions which form so-called structural model A, that is shown on the chart.

model A in socionics of Augustinavichjute and rules of analytical numerology Ciphers in white circles on the chart are serial numbers, namely designate structural gradation or sequence according to which mental functions form socionic model A.
Four first mental functions are conceivable.
Four last mental functions are unconceivable or latent.
Latent mental functions are mirror displays of conceivable.
In particular this chart shows socionic structural model A for sensory-logical introverted psychological type.
White sensory is displayed in black sensory on first and seventh positions.
Black logics is displayed in white logics on second and eighth positions.
White intuition is displayed in black intuition on third and fifth positions.
Black ethics is displayed in white ethics on fourth and sixth positions.

Psychological types of human personality in the context of analytical numerology too are complex combinations of mental functions. But mental functions in analytical numerology correspond with numbers and gods of Greek mythology within magic square which is alternative of model A in socionics.
For example, the magic square or analytical chart, and in essence numerological matrix for sensory-logical introverted psychological type of human personality.

magic square or analytical chart as numerological matrix of psychological type

Ciphers without white circles within the shown analytical chart are Pythagorean numerological numbers.
Ciphers in white circles designate structural gradation or serial numbers of mental functions in algorithmic pattern of this psychological type.
First leading mental function corresponds with numerological number and mythological god who is pseudonym and mythological image of psychological type.
In particular first leading mental function of sensory-logical introverted psycho-type of human personality corresponds with numerological number 6 and mythological image of Poseidon whose name is pseudonym.
Or pseudonym of sensory-logical introverted psycho-type of human personality is name of Greek goddess Demeter whose mythological image alongside with Poseidon possesses attribute of introversion and corresponds with number 6 within magic square of Pythagorean numerology.
Read information about ratio of numerological numbers with images of mythological gods of Ancient Greece on previous pages in this section of website.

Four first mental functions are conceivable or explicit, namely accessible to perception by mind of human person.
Four last mental functions are unconceivable and latent or implicit, namely inaccessible to perception by mind of human person.
Read information about first four functions on 3rd page in this section of website.
Fifth latent mental function is reflection of first leader, namely is shown as strong but implicit.
Fifth function is unknown part of vital credo, and in essence is alter-ego of human person.
Sixth latent mental function is reflection of second, namely is shown as actual but implicit.
Psychological displays of human person according to sixth function are inadvertent, namely man or woman operates spontaneously and mechanically.
Psychological displays of human person according to second function are deliberate, namely man or woman comprehends actions.
Seventh latent mental function is reflection of third, namely is shown as weak and implicit.
Human person according to seventh function does not realize inadequacy of psychological displays, also does not perceive influence of people as aggressive.
Human person according to third function realizes inadequacy of psychological displays, also perceives influence of people as aggressive.
Eighth latent mental function is reflection of fourth, namely is shown as non-actual and implicit.
Human person according to eighth function has unconceivable identification with psychological displays of people, namely operates consistently with actions of partners or opponents.
Human person according to fourth function realizes identification with psychological displays of people, namely perceives actions of partners or opponents as indemnification of own inactivity.
Pay attention that reflected mental functions correspond with dichotomizing pairs of global categories according to which people perceive world reality.
In particular sensory-logical introverted psychological type possesses conceivable perception of concrete measurements of spatial coordinates, because leading function is sensory of spaces. But sensory-logical introverted psychological type does not realize chronological interval which is synchronized with current validity, because reflected fifth function is sensory of time. Namely conceivable perception of concrete space is the reason of unconceivable perception of valid time.
Also reflected mental functions are opposite within magic square, that corresponds to principles and rules of analytical numerology but is other in comparison with socionic model A and concepts of Augustinavichjute.
Below this page shows analytical charts of 16 psychological types of human personality according to parities of mental functions with cells of magic square and numerological numbers, also global categories of universe and images of mythological gods of Ancient Greece.
The shown analytical charts correspond to concepts of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and typological indicator of Myers-Briggs though differ from model A which is constructive scheme of human personality in the socionics of Aushra Augustinavichjute.
Combinations of letters in the shown analytical charts have following values.
Ss / Scs - sensory of concrete space.
Ns / Nas - intuition of abstract space.
St / Cvt - sensory of valid time.
Nt / Npt - intuition of potential time.
Fe / Ffe - ethics of figurative energy.
Te / Tse - logics of sign energy.
Fm / Fgm - ethics of general matter.
Tm / Tdm - logics of detail matter.


Poseidon POSE - Demeter DEMA - ITSP Poseidon POSE - Demeter DEMA.
STI - ITSP - sensory-logical introverted type.

In the context of analytical numerology it is possible to apply designations of psychological types according to ratio of mental functions and global world categories with numbers of magic square.
I-67124398 or I-6712 - letter I designates introversion.

1 - strong sensory - concrete space - 6.
2 - actual logics - sign energy - 7.
3 - weak ethics - figurative energy - 1.
4 - non-actual intuition - abstract space - 2.
5 - latent strong sensory - valid time - 4.
6 - latent actual logics - detail matter - 3.
7 - latent weak ethics - general matter - 9.
8 - latent non-actual intuition - potential time - 8.

Hera HERA - Eilithia ELIT - ETSP Hera HERA - Amphitrite AMFI.
STE - ETSP - sensory-logical extraverted type.

E-43986712 or E-4398 - letter E designates extraversion.

1 - strong sensory - valid time - 4.
2 - actual logics - detail matter - 3.
3 - weak ethics - general matter - 9.
4 - non-actual intuition - potential time - 8.
5 - latent strong sensory - concrete space - 6.
6 - latent actual logics - sign energy - 7.
7 - latent weak ethics - figurative energy - 1.
8 - latent non-actual intuition - abstract space - 2.

Zeus ZEUS - Hades GADS - EFSP Zeus ZEUS - Hades GADS.
SFE - EFSP - sensory-ethical extraverted type.

E-61784932 or E-6178.

1 - strong sensory - concrete space - 6.
2 - actual ethics - figurative energy - 1.
3 - weak logics - sign energy - 7.
4 - non-actual intuition - potential time - 8.
5 - latent strong sensory - valid time - 4.
6 - latent actual ethics - general matter - 9.
7 - latent weak logics - detail matter - 3.
8 - latent non-actual intuition - abstract space - 2.

Amphitrite AMFI - Leto LETO - IFSP Eilithia ELIT - Leto LETO.
SFI - IFSP - sensory-ethical introverted type.

I-49326178 or I-4932.

1 - strong sensory - valid time - 4.
2 - actual ethics - general matter - 9.
3 - weak logics - detail matter - 3.
4 - non-actual intuition - abstract space - 2.
5 - latent strong sensory - concrete space - 6.
6 - latent actual ethics - figurative energy - 1.
7 - latent weak logics - sign energy - 7.
8 - latent non-actual intuition - potential time - 8.

Hephaestus HEFS - Ganymede GANY - ETSJ Hephaestus HEFS - Ganymede GANY.
TSE - ETSJ - logical-sensory extraverted type.

E-76213489 or E-7621.

1 - strong logics - sign energy - 7.
2 - actual sensory - concrete space - 6.
3 - weak intuition - abstract space - 2.
4 - non-actual ethics - figurative energy - 1.
5 - latent strong logics - detail matter - 3.
6 - latent actual sensory - valid time - 4.
7 - latent weak intuition - potential time - 8.
8 - latent non-actual ethics - general matter - 9.

Hermes Propillar HERP - Plutos PLUT - ITSJ Hermes Propillar HERP - Plutos PLUT.
TSI - ITSJ - logical-sensory introverted type.

I-34897621 or I-3489.

1 - strong logics - detail matter - 3.
2 - actual sensory - valid time - 4.
3 - weak intuition - potential time - 8.
4 - non-actual ethics - general matter - 9.
5 - latent strong logics - sign energy - 7.
6 - latent actual sensory - concrete space - 6.
7 - latent weak intuition - abstract space - 2.
8 - latent non-actual ethics - figurative energy - 1.

Prometheus PROM - Hebe HEBA - ETNJ Prometheus PROM - Hebe HEBA.
TNE - ETNJ - logical-intuitive extraverted type.

E-72693841 or E-7269.

1 - strong logics - sign energy - 7.
2 - actual intuition - abstract space - 2.
3 - weak sensory - concrete space - 6.
4 - non-actual ethics - general matter - 9.
5 - latent strong logics - detail matter - 3.
6 - latent actual intuition - potential time - 8.
7 - latent weak sensory - valid time - 4.
8 - latent non-actual ethics - figurative energy - 1.

Hermes Trismegistus HERT - Iris IRID - ITNJ Hermes Trismegistus HERT - Iris IRID.
TNI - ITNJ - logical-intuitive introverted type.

I-38417269 or I-3841.

1 - strong logics - detail matter - 3.
2 - actual intuition - potential time - 8.
3 - weak sensory - valid time - 4.
4 - non-actual ethics - figurative energy - 1.
5 - latent strong logics - sign energy - 7.
6 - latent actual intuition - abstract space - 2.
7 - latent weak sensory - concrete space - 6.
8 - latent non-actual ethics - general matter - 9.

Hecate HECA - Adonis ADON - ITNP Hecate HECA - Adonis ADON.
NTI - ITNP - intuitive-logical introverted type.

I-27968314 or I-2796.

1 - strong intuition - abstract space - 2.
2 - actual logics - sign energy - 7.
3 - weak ethics - general matter - 9.
4 - non-actual sensory - concrete space - 6.
5 - latent strong intuition - potential time - 8.
6 - latent actual logics - detail matter - 3.
7 - latent weak ethics - figurative energy - 1.
8 - latent non-actual sensory - valid time - 4.

Apollo APOL - Delphyne DELF - ETNP Apollo APOL - Delphyne DELF.
NTE - ETNP - intuitive-logical extraverted type.

E-83142796 or E-8314.

1 - strong intuition - potential time - 8.
2 - actual logics - detail matter - 3.
3 - weak ethics - figurative energy - 1.
4 - non-actual sensory - valid time - 4.
5 - latent strong intuition - abstract space - 2.
6 - latent actual logics - sign energy - 7.
7 - latent weak ethics - general matter - 9.
8 - latent non-actual sensory - concrete space - 6.

Artemis ARTE - Persephone PERS - EFNP Artemis ARTE - Persephone PERS.
NFE - EFNP - intuitive-ethical extraverted type.

E-29748136 or E-2974.

1 - strong intuition - abstract space - 2.
2 - actual ethics - general matter - 9.
3 - weak logics - sign energy - 7.
4 - non-actual sensory - valid time - 4.
5 - latent strong intuition - potential time - 8.
6 - latent actual ethics - figurative energy - 1.
7 - latent weak logics - detail matter - 3.
8 - latent non-actual sensory - concrete space - 6.

Dionysus DION - Zagreus ZAGR - IFNP Dionysus DION - Zagreus ZAGR.
NFI - IFNP - intuitive-ethical introverted type.

I-81362974 or I-8136.

1 - strong intuition - potential time - 8.
2 - actual ethics - figurative energy - 1.
3 - weak logics - detail matter - 3.
4 - non-actual sensory - concrete space - 6.
5 - latent strong intuition - abstract space - 2.
6 - latent actual ethics - general matter - 9.
7 - latent weak logics - sign energy - 7.
8 - latent non-actual sensory - valid time - 4.

Aphrodite Urania AURA - Nemesis NEMA - IFNJ Aphrodite Urania AURA - Nemesis NEMA.
FNI - IFNJ - ethical-intuitive introverted type.

I-92471863 or I-9247.

1 - strong ethics - general matter - 9.
2 - actual intuition - abstract space - 2.
3 - weak sensory - valid time - 4.
4 - non-actual logics - sign energy - 7.
5 - latent strong ethics - figurative energy - 1.
6 - latent actual intuition - potential time - 8.
7 - latent weak sensory - concrete space - 6.
8 - latent non-actual logics - detail matter - 3.

Ares ARES - Epimetheus EPIM - EFNJ Ares ARES - Epimetheus EPIM.
FNE - EFNJ - ethical-intuitive extraverted type.

E-18639247 or E-1863.

1 - strong ethics - figurative energy - 1.
2 - actual intuition - potential time - 8.
3 - weak sensory - concrete space - 6.
4 - non-actual logics - detail matter - 3.
5 - latent strong ethics - general matter - 9.
6 - latent actual intuition - abstract space - 2.
7 - latent weak sensory - valid time - 4.
8 - latent non-actual logics - sign energy - 7.

Aphrodite Dione ADIO - Pandora PAND - EFSJ Aphrodite Dione ADIO - Pandora PAND.
FSE - EFSJ - ethical-sensory extraverted type.

E-94231687 or E-9423.

1 - strong ethics - general matter - 9.
2 - actual sensory - valid time - 4.
3 - weak intuition - abstract space - 2.
4 - non-actual logics - detail matter - 3.
5 - latent strong ethics - figurative energy - 1.
6 - latent actual sensory - concrete space - 6.
7 - latent weak intuition - potential time - 8.
8 - latent non-actual logics - sign energy - 7.

Angelos ANGL - Eris ERIS - IFSJ Angelos ANGL - Eris ERIS.
FSI - IFSJ - ethical-sensory introverted type.

I-16879423 or I-1687.

1 - strong ethics - figurative energy - 1.
2 - actual sensory - concrete space - 6.
3 - weak intuition - potential time - 8.
4 - non-actual logics - sign energy - 7.
5 - latent strong ethics - general matter - 9.
6 - latent actual sensory - valid time - 4.
7 - latent weak intuition - abstract space - 2.
8 - latent non-actual logics - detail matter - 3.

Following page shows analytical charts of intertype relations and tables of transactions of mental functions for 16 psychological types of human personality.

